
Material Modelling


Material modeling simulation services involve the use of numerical modeling techniques to predict the behavior of materials under different loading and boundary conditions. These services are used for a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, composites, and soils.

The main goal of material modeling simulation is to predict the response of materials to applied loads and environmental conditions, to evaluate the performance of materials and to optimize the design of structures, products, and systems

DV Research focuses on the following Material modeling simulation services,

Constitutive modeling: Developing mathematical models that describe the behavior of materials under different loading and boundary conditions.

Finite element analysis (FEA): Using numerical methods to solve the equations that govern the behavior of materials and predict their response to applied loads.

Multiscale modeling: Combining models at different scales, such as atomistic, microstructural, and macroscopic levels to predict the behavior of materials.

Optimization and design: Using modeling and simulation results to optimize the design of structures, products, and systems.

DV Research provides services to various industries such as aerospace, automotive, civil engineering, energy, manufacturing, and biomedical. Material modeling and simulation services are used to predict the strength, durability, and failure of materials, and to optimize the design of structures and systems. The simulation results are also used to develop new materials with improved properties, and to reduce testing and development costs.

Strain Engineering of materials

Strain engineering of materials is a method of modifying the properties of a material by introducing controlled amounts of strain, or deformation, into the material. This is done by applying mechanical forces to the material, such as by stretching or compressing it, or by exposing it to thermal or chemical stresses.

The goal of strain engineering is to change the properties of a material in a targeted way, by introducing specific types and levels of strain into the material. This is done to improve the strength, ductility, electrical or thermal conductivity, and other properties of the material.

DV Research uses the following methods of strain engineering

Elastic strain engineering: Introducing strains into a material without causing permanent deformation or damage.

Plastic strain engineering: Introducing strains into a material that cause permanent deformation or damage.

Thermal strain engineering: Introducing strains into a material by exposing it to temperature changes.

Chemical strain engineering: Introducing strains into a material by exposing it to chemical reactions or environment changes.

Strain engineering is a powerful tool for modifying the properties of materials, but it requires a deep understanding of the material behavior and of the relationship between the strains and the properties. It’s also important to take in account the potential failure mechanisms that may happen due to the strains.

Property prediction of materials

Property prediction of materials involves using various techniques to predict the mechanical, thermal, electrical, and other properties of a material before it is fabricated or manufactured.

DroneVionics combines theoretical modelling and Computational simulations for accurately predicting the material properties

using a combination of theoretical modeling and computational simulations.

Theoretical modeling is used to predict the properties of a material based on its chemical composition, crystal structure, and microstructure. This is done using methods such as density functional theory (DFT) and ab initio calculations, which use quantum mechanics to predict the properties of materials. Computational simulations are used to predict the properties of a material by simulating its behavior under different loading and boundary conditions. These simulations are performed using methods such as finite element analysis (FEA) and molecular dynamics (MD). These methods use mathematical models to predict the properties of materials, and provide information on the mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of the material, among other properties.

Property prediction of materials is an important tool for materials design and development, it is used to identify new materials with desired properties, to optimize the properties of existing materials, and to reduce the costs and risks associated with materials development.