
Geotechnical Design Solutions


Geotechnical design solutions involve the application of principles of soil mechanics and rock mechanics to the design of foundations, slopes, embankments, and other structures that are supported by or interact with the earth.

These solutions include the use of various types of foundation systems (such as shallow or deep foundations), the design of retaining walls and slopes, the selection and design of appropriate soil and rock materials, and the analysis and mitigation of potential hazards such as landslides, settlement, and seismic activity. The specific solutions used will depend on the site conditions and the type of structure being built.

Reservoir scale simulation of
methane gas repositories

DV Research uses numerical modeling techniques to simulate the behavior of methane gas stored underground in rock formations, such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs or coal seams. The simulation typically includes the following steps:

Characterization of the reservoir: This includes determining the geologic properties of the rock formation, such as porosity, permeability, and rock structure, as well as the initial conditions of the reservoir, such as temperature, pressure, and fluid composition.

Simulation of fluid flow: This involves using mathematical models to simulate the movement of methane gas through the rock formation, taking into account factors such as gas injection rates, pressure changes, and rock deformation.

Simulation of gas storage: This involves simulating the behavior of the gas as it is stored in the rock formation, including changes in pressure, temperature, and composition of the gas over time.

Evaluation of risks: This involves analyzing the results of the simulation to evaluate potential risks associated with the storage of methane gas, such as leakage, subsidence, and induced seismicity.

Optimizing design: The simulation results are used to optimize the design of the repository and improve the safety and efficiency of the storage process.

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM)
behavior of soils

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) behavior of soils refers to the way in which the mechanical, thermal, and hydrological properties of soils change in response to changes in temperature and moisture conditions.

DV Research  analyse the THM behaviour during the design of

geotechnical structures, such as foundations, embankments, and underground storage facilities, as well as in the prediction of soil movement and settlement. The THM behavior of soils is influenced by a number of factors,

Soil type: Different types of soils have different THM properties, with clay soils generally exhibiting more pronounced THM behavior than sands or gravels.

Moisture content: The moisture content of soils can affect their mechanical properties, with dry soils typically exhibiting higher strength and lower compressibility than saturated soils.

Temperature: Temperature can affect the thermal conductivity and thermal expansion of soils, which can lead to changes in soil volume and temperature gradients.

The THM behavior of soils is characterized through numerical modeling. Numerical modeling methods include finite element and boundary element modeling, which are used to simulate the THM behavior of soils under different loading and boundary conditions. THM behavior is important in the design of geotechnical structures and systems, in particular in permafrost areas, as it can affect the stability and integrity of the structure, as well as the movement and deformation of the soil.